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The main reason why the domain investor, is complaining is the flawed government policy of government SLAVERY, financial fraud on some domain investors, refusing to acknowledge the time they spend doing the computer work, money they invest in domain names, webhosting, internet connection, hardware and falsely claiming that the work is done, money is invested by the lazy liar relatives and friends of top officials who are actually not doing any computer work, and cannot even legally prove that they do the work, yet get government salaries only for making FAKE CLAIMS .
Allegedly bribed by the top indian tech and internet companies, the indian government is clearly denying citizens their fundamental rights, especially the right to equality.
For example the government is falsely claiming greedy gujju stock trader amita patel with revenues of Rs 35 crores, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, haryana mba hr ruchita kinge and other government employees, who have never invested any money in domains, who do not do any td own this and oher domains of a private citizen in a clear case of financial fraud since 2010
The domains are always available for sale, the domain fraudster government employees refuse to purchase the domains, despite getting a monthly government salary and criminally defame the real domain investor who is spending Rs 4-5 lakh annually in domain renewals. In all other sectors, the investors are investing their own money, only in the indian internet sector, high status frauds who have never invested any money in domains,are getting monthly government salaries for MAKING fake claims of domain ownership at the expense of the real domain investor, a private citizen, who is slandered and criminally defamed in the worst manner to cover up the massive FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010.
to increase their powers further, some government employees like j srinivasan, hathwar, kodancha, mandrekar, nayak, caro, chodankar, naik are falsely labelling harmless citizens who are working from home as a security threat without any proof at all, so that can cheat, exploit, rob them to the maximum extent possible, in a sophisticated extortion racket. These false allegations are used to put the hardworking citizen under surveillance, steal all their information, and then falsely claim that the relatives and associates of top government officials, who do not spend any time, do not have the skills, are doing the work, to get all the relatives and friends, government jobs at the expense of the hardworking citizen
Then to cover up the resume theft, government SLAVERY, financial fraud on the domain investor, the cruel cunning liar government employees are criminally defaming, slandering the hardworking paypal account holder, are involved in cybercrime, and making up fake stories that their lazy greedy girlfriends only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband, and associates, who do not spend any time are doing computer work to get them monthly government salaries at the expense of the domain investor actually spending her time, investing money in domains, The government also refuses to end the domain ownership, financial fraud since 2010, though it is world famous and featured on reddit (2016 post on problems.in , government slavery, quora) . So the domain investor is working part time as a caretaker without any compensation, writing content and is managing her websites part time
It appears that R&AW/cbi are usually recruiting high status well connected and good looking people like other intelligence agencies worldwide. While citizens cannot object to this policy, they can definitely object to the flawed policy of government agencies of falsely claiming that their well paid employees who do not invest money in domains, do not do any computer work, own the domains, paypal, bank account of a private citizen, causing financial losses to the private citizen, who is denied the fundamental right to a fair living, privacy,a life of dignity
Officially R&AW claims that it is hiring experts in different fields, yet in the indian internet sector, it is only hiring those who criminally defame, slander investors, experienced webmasters while the real investor is denied her fundamental rights for more than 12 years and is making great losses. For example, kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil are getting monthly government salaries for falsely claiming to own the domains including this one, paypal, bank account of the domain investor, a single woman engineer who has no one to help or defend her against the scammer sindhis
While kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani and her scammer sons nikhil, karan lead a good lifestyle, because their family is the top moneylender in panaji, charging very high interest rates to small business owners, they do not invest money in domains, do not have any kind of online income, since they do not want to spend time doing computer work. Yet taking advantage of the dishonesty of top officials and with the help of fraud officials like tushar parekh, puneet, nikhil sha, parmar, they slandered the hardworking single woman in the worst manner and got government jobs for FAKING domain ownership, paypal, bank account, using stolen data.
It is an indication of the lack of professionalism in R&AW/cbi that they blindly believe the lies of high status well connected people like naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil when they fake domain ownership, paypal, bank account, to pay them monthly salaries wasting indian taxpayer money just because they have a good lifestyle, posh house. The posh house is only because of the moneylending, xerox, paper trading business, not online income, yet the well paid government employees are so incompetent, that they are falsely claiming that the sindhi scammers have online income because they live in a posh house.
Though bengaluru's top shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, has never done any writing work for this website and for the iwriter, paypal account, raw, indian government is allegedly paying cheater nayanshree a monthly government salary since 2013 falsely claiming that cheater nayanshree , with no english writing skills is a content expert, based on the lies of fraud brahmin government employees j srinivasan, puneet who falsely claim that shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi, was their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, has the impressive resume, skills, work ethic of their real classmate who these government employees HATE
The shameless greedy fraud brahmin government employees puneet, j srinivasan are aware that their greedy girlfriend nayanshree is only is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, guruprasad, does no computer work at all, has no online income, yet being the greatest online fraudsters they are openly involved in CYBERCRIME on their real classmate to steal all her data and get bengaluru's biggest banking fraudster nayanshree a monthly raw salary faking online income, paypal, iwriter account, while criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting, robbing their real btech 1993 ee classmate the income and opportunities she deserved. When the top indian government employees are CYBERCRIMINALS, LIARS, FRAUDS CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING investors, refusing to acknowledge the time spent doing computer work, the indian internet sector is best avoided
For example the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line, has revenues of more than Rs 35 crore, ($4.5 million) has never paid for any domain in this network, yet she allegedly gets a monthly raw salary for FAKING ownership of this and other domains since 2013, while the real domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst manner, and denied a life of dignity despite paying a huge amount of money Rs 4-5 lakh annually for domains alone, The greedy gujju stock trader amita patel can easily purchase this and other domains, yet she refuses to do so, despite getting a monthly raw salary for faking domain ownership
To cover up the domain ownership, financial fraud since 2010, the liar tech and internet companies are criminally defaming the single woman, falsely claiming that this and other domains allegedly belong to government employees who HATE her, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay to get the real girlfriends and associates of the government employees lucrative government jobs with monthly government salaries without doing any work, without investing money in domains. This domain ownership, financial fraud has continued since 2010, and it is clear that the government employees are not interested in purchasing domains, yet make fake claims to get government salaries and are also blocking domain sales.
Though the single woman domain investor is alone paying for the domains, and related expenses, can legally prove it, the government is ignoring all her complaints and continues its very obvious domain ownership fraud, while criminally defaming, slandering the domain investor. Selling even a few domains, would reduce the expenses of the domain investor, a private citizen, yet exposing the extreme greed and dishonesty of the indian tech, internet companies making millions of dollars of profit, they refuse to spend even a few hundred or thousands of dollars to purchase the domains of a private citizen, continue running the biggest domain ownership, financial fraud in the world
Additionally the government agencies are also involved in a writing fraud, government SLAVERY, making fake claims about the ownership of the iwriter account of a private citizen, falsely claiming that it belongs to lazy greedy relatives and friends of top officials, who do not spend any time writing/.
Unlike the dishonest greedy indian tech and internet companies, officials which refuse to acknowledge the time and effort for content creation, falsely giving credit and salaries to the sugar babies and girlfriends like goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar of top officials like brahmin cheater puneet, including this website, housekeeping staff are paid well for the time they doing housekeeping tasks Compared to computer work, where citizens have citizens have to sit in front of the computer for long hours, and cannot even take phone calls without adversely affecting productivity, housekeeping is less strenuous, usually the staff can a break for lunch, tea.It is also not mentally strenuous, some people like to spend time cleaning their house for relaxation , taking a break from writing, accounting and other mentally strenuous work
Though the domain ownership, writing, financial fraud can be easily proved tracing the pan number of the government employees and the paypal account holder, the government allegedly bribed by the tech and internet companies refuses to end the government SLAVERY, financial fraud. The ruthlessness of the government agencies, internet, tech companies in their government SLAVERY, financial fraud has attracted the attention of internet users worldwide though the mainstream media in india refuses to cover the news.People who have not interacted with the domain investor, have posted the news of the resume theft, government SLAVERY on Quora as well as Reddit in 2016. The domain problems.in was mentioned on reddit, after which it was banned in India
Most of the domain, writing fraudster government employees are extremely wealthy or are married to rich men, they do not require the government salary. Yet despite the protests of the domain investor, the government officials and leaders refuse to admit that it is not correct to falsely claim that greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, housewives like goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan cooking cleaning for their crooked husbands, are simultaneously doing writing work, while defaming the real writer. The domain investor is not getting any work directly because the shivalli brahmins are allegedly stealing all her leads and orders as part of their identity theft racket while their lazy fraud relative nayanshree, gets a monthly raw salary for falsely claiming to own the iwriter, bank account of the domain investor.
The refusal of the indian tech and internet companies to end their government SLAVERY racket, financial fraud which was started in 2010, has destroyed the faith of the domain investor in the indian internet sector, she no longer recommends working online for money. In the last decade, the domain investor has struggled to pay the Rs 4-5 lakh annually for domain renewals, spending many hours writing articles on iwriter, while the shamelesss brahmin fraud government employee j srinivasan has got a monthly government salary for his greedy goan bhandari SUGAR BABY, sunaina chodan, allegedly a call girl, falsely claiming sunaina, a scammer was his btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay
Panaji electoral rolls show that goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan was not even born in 1989 to give JEE, yet the indian tech, internet sector, government agencies continue to support the brahmin shameless scammer srinivasan, who refuse to use the real resume, investment of his lazy greedy sugar baby scammer sunaina, who has not even invested money in computer despite getting a raw salary for ten years faking domain ownership. Usually citizens are supported by their home state, however, the shivalli brahmin dominated karnataka intelligence agencies have collaborated with the greedy goan bhandari officials like cheater chodankar, naik in slander, criminal defamation of the single woman domain investor, so that 4 lazy greedy relatives of cheater chodankar especially goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan and bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, are getting monthly government salaries for faking bank account, domain ownership
The brahmin shameless scammer srinivasan and his scammer sugar baby sunaina like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel do not want to purchase any domain, yet the government believes the lies of brahmin cheater srinivasan and continues with the domain ownership, financial fraud, while the real domain investor is denied the income and opportunities she deserved. Internet officials in other countries are also supporting the corrupt indian government officials in their domain ownership fraud, so the domain investor has lost faith in the internet sector in general. The domains are always available for sale, yet the profitable indian tech and internet companies are extremely dishonest, greedy without morals, so they refuse to purchase the domains, and do not even allow the domain investor to sell the domains to others causing great financial losses.
Since the domain investor is forced to pay the domain renewal fees of Rs 4-5 lakh every year and cannot sell the domains while greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, haryana scammer mba hr ruchita kinge, indore robber deepika/veena, goan bhandari sunaina chodan,nayanshree, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro get monthly salaries only for making FAKE CLAIMS , she is using the domains to expose the government SLAVERY, financial, domain ownership fraud so that people, companies and countries are not duped by government agencies, internet companies, making completely fake claims about domains of a private citizen. The quora and reddit posts, comments are proof that the domain ownership fraud has got attention worldwide
The flawed government policy of falsely claiming that those who have posh, well maintained houses, are making money online shows the inefficiency, prejudices, lack of professionalism and incompetence of the government agencies, and is directly responsible for Indian rupee crashing to an all time low against the US$. People are having posh houses, because are making plenty of money from other sources, most professionals are making plenty of money, far more than what the domain investor makes despite working for very long hours. Similarly well connected business owners are also making huge profits.
for example, tata power employee guruprasad is a top hacker, is getting a good salary himself and has manipulated the flawed indian government system to also get a monthly raw salary for his lazy greedy wife nayanshree, who is only cooking, cleaning for him, does not do any writing work, yet is able to fake ownership of the domain investors, iwriter, bank account since 2013 to get a monthly government salary. Since nayanshree is getting a monthly government salary without spending any time doing writing work, cheating, exploiting the real writer, domain investor, she has plenty of money and time to keep her house in perfect condition
Another major beneficiary of the indian internet sector, government SLAVERY is indore robber housewife deepika/veena who is wealthy because her husband is closely linked to a politician. In addition to gold, real estate, she also owns land of value Rs 6 crore or more, with annual rental income of Rs 11-12 lakh, so she can lead a good lifestyle. Her husband is paying her Rs 30000 monthly only for cooking, cleaning , so she has plenty of time and money to keep her house in perfect condition. Though she herself admits that she is only cooking, cleaning, the MP government has manipulated the inefficient government system to get a monthly government salary faking domain ownership, online income.
Similarly goan bhandari sunaina chodan's photographer husband ashwin is charging Rs 75000 /day according to online sources and goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar are getting huge bribes with the help of their relatives. Haryana scammer mba hr ruchita kinge is also getting a very good salary of Rs 10 lakh+ as HR in top companies like NIIT, Deloitte. Like the other domain fraudster employees ruchita has invested money mainly in real estate in lucknow, gurugram, and has plenty of money,leads a lavish lifestyle
These government employees are not interested in investing money in domains, since it is very risky compared to other investments like real estate, and they also do not want to work long hours, doing computer work for less money . Yet due to extreme inefficiency and incompetence of the government agencies they get government salaries for faking domain ownership, online income while the real domain investor is making huge losses, since she alone is paying all the website expenses, while 10-15 frauds get government salaries for faking domain ownership
Since there are almost no other government jobs where citizens will get a monthly salary without doing any kind of work, the domain fraudster government employees are very aggressive in ensuring that they do not lose their lucrative jobs, and are extremely vicious in criminally defaming, slandering the real domain investor so that no one believes her, though she is telling the truth. It is an indication of the inefficiency/incompetence of the government agencies, that some cunning cheaters are able to manipulate the system so well since 2010, to get monthly government salaries faking bank account, domain ownership
While the domain investor does not care about the manipulated defamatory videos which are being circulated, the indian government officials and leaders are lacking vision, honesty and humanity, encouraging and rewarding lazy greedy fraud young people for making and circulating defamatory videos of older people, who are not aware of how the cunning young people are manipulating video footage for defamation with raw/cbi jobs, falsely claiming that they are online experts, domain investor, when they are only experts in criminal defamation using videos
The indian government refuses to acknowledge the fact that hardworking honest citizens do not have the time and inclination to make and circulate defamatory videos of a person they do not like to cheat, exploit, commit banking fraud. Only greedy shameless lazy liars and frauds like indore robber deepika, greedy goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani, do not have the honesty to open their own paypal, bank account, purchase domains legally, instead make and circulate defamatory videos of hardworking honest citizens, domain investors, to cover up their banking fraud, labor law violations
Though the indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are making millions of dollars in profit annually, they refuse to purchase the domains legally, are openly involved in government SLAVERY of a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor since 2010, making her work very long hours making very less money (below minimum wages), subjecting her to CYBERCRIME, HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES , while a large number of well connected high status frauds get monthly government salaries only for falsely claiming to own her paypal, bank account, domains including this one, without invest any money in domains, without spending any time doing computer work with bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad being the main beneficiary
Though the mainstream media does not carry the news of government SLAVERY in the internet sector, it is well known worldwide. The government agencies refuse to admit that their well connected good looking employees usually only have a limited area of influence, usually only the locality, town or city in which they reside since they are not webmasters. These wealthy employees are also not interested in working long hours online, since they have plenty of money from other sources, they only ruthlessly cheat,exploit and rob the real domain investor causing great losses to the domain investor who then complains loudly about the cheating, exploitation, government slavery, financial fraud.
The powerful government agencies think that just because they falsely claim that their well paid employees own the domains of a private citizen, they will get away with their financial, online fraud. However, they do not realize that the ownership of the domains is clearly defined, and a domain investor will only pay for domains she controls. The government agencies also have an extremely flawed policy of falsely claiming that high status well connected people who do not invest money in domains, are domain investors, online exporters, based on fake claims to waste taxpayer money paying them monthly salaries
Anyone can register domains, if they are willing to invest their money, take the risk, The refusal of the government agencies to admit that high status well connected people are not interested in investing money in domains, do not want to work online, has resulted in the wastage of taxpayer money, while the real domain investors are denied the income and opportunities they deserve, a life of dignity forcing them to protest loudly against the cheating, exploitation